This is why some people have 2 different coloured eyes

- What is heterochromia?
- How do you get heterochromia?
- Why does heterochromia happen?
- Who has heterochromia?
What is heterochromia?
Heterochromia is the name for when someone has a difference of colour in each of their irises. This can be more subtle or it can be quite prominent. Either way, heterochromia is typically harmless and doesn’t affect the quality of your eyesight.
There’s three types of heterochromia that have different effects on the appearance of your iris.
- Complete heterochromia: One iris is a different colour from the other
- Sectoral heterochromia: Part of one iris is a different colour from the rest of it
- Central heterochromia: There's an inner ring around your pupil that's a different colour to the rest of your iris
How do you get heterochromia?

Why does heterochromia occur?
Who has heterochromia?

...And finally